Robertsdale Municipal Court is a criminal misdemeanor court that handles misdemeanor and traffic offenses that occur within the city limits and police jurisdiction of Robertsdale.
Municipal Court is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month with the exception of November and December. Check in begins at 2:30; court sessions begin promptly at 3:00 p.m.
If you have a traffic ticket that does not require a court appearance and would like to take care of it without appearing in court, you may do so by appearing in person at City Hall. You would then enter a plea of guilt and pay the ticket. You can download the plea of guilt form here.
You may also remit your plea of guilt and payment by mail on certain offenses. We must receive such plea and payment within our Municipal Court office on or before your prescribed court date.
If your ticket requires a court appearance, you must appear in court on the court date listed on your ticket. You will appear before the municipal judge and enter a plea on the charge. If you plead guilty, the judge will determine your fine amount and you will be required to pay the fine and court cost at that time. If you plead not guilty, your case will be tried.
If you do not know whether or not your ticket requires a court appearance, you may contact the Robertsdale Municipal Court at (251) 947-8910 or (251) 947-8907 . All non-traffic offenses require a court appearance.